

Hiroshi ASANO

Smart Network, Energy Management

Hiroshi ASANO

Specially Appointed Prof.

Energy Systems Engineering, Power System Economics, Power Systems, Demand Response, minScattered Energy Resources, Energy Networks

Research Outline

A microgrid in a single area can be configured via the distribution system to form a networked microgrid at all times, making greater use of local resources such as pv, biomass power generation, and small hydropower. The creation of a designated area supply system and a power distribution business system will improve regional energy resilience and enable the use of renewable energy power even in areas with strong grid constraints. Ancillary services can be provided to grid operators when there is spare power storage capacity in the microgrid, and additional revenues can be generated. Aim to optimize the design and operation of various types of microgrids.

Figure 1: Networked Microgrid Configuration
Fig. 1 Networked Microgrid Configuration