As we enter the 21st century, we are at the mercy of environmental changes such as rapid climate change and the spread of infectious diseases, even though we have entered an era of convenience and abundance of goods and information.
The 20th century's excessive dependence on fossil resources is now being reflected upon, and it is hoped that society will become carbon neutral (CN). The Green Transformation Initiative (Science Tokyo GXI) was established to create a vision of the desired society for CN from the energy minfield and to create a path for GX technology to realize this vision. Science Tokyo GXI is a center of GX research and aims to contribute to the construction of a society that is in harmony with the global environment. We hope to contribute to the creation of a society that has hope for the future. These technologies are still largely unexplored and cannot be achieved by a single individual or organization. We need the cooperation of many people who agree with this contribution. We greatly welcome your participation. We look forward to your support and encouragement.
Prof. Yuki Kato
Science Tokyo GXI Director
Institute of SCIENCE TOKYO
Institute of Integrated Research
Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy