IGAX Members
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A new Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration Committee(IGAX) has been established at Tokyo Tech GXI to promote industry-government-academia collaborative research as an open innovation platform between industry and the University. We hope that you will consider joining IGAX.
At the end of March 2022, the AES Center will have fulfilled its initial responsibilities and will be terminated, and will be succeeded by a full-fledged open innovation platform at Science Tokyo GXI. The AES Research Promotion Committee will also be terminated, and will be succeeded by a new Industry-Academia Collaboration Committee at . The AES Research Promotion Committee will also be terminated and will be succeeded by a new Industry-Academia Collaboration Committee at Science Tokyo GXI. The activities of the Industry-University Collaboration Committee will be the same as those of the existing AES Research Promotion Committee, with the addition of providing an environment for joint research with TUAT researchers as an open innovation platform. We believe that the activities of the Industry-University Collaboration Committee will help clarify future technological, systemic, and solution perspectives on the proposition of carbon neutrality, a proposition of a different dimension.
Industry participation in the activities of the Industry-Academia Collaboration Committee is important. We sincerely welcome your participation in the Industry-Academia Collaboration Committee at Science Tokyo GXI, regardless of your past involvement with AES.